Coupon Affiliates – Version 4.6.0 – Admin Reports & Analytics
Version 4.6.0 of Coupon Affiliates for WooCommerce is now available. This update includes brand new “reports & analytics” features for admins, and a few other small tweaks and fixes.
Admin Reports & Analytics
On the admin dashboard, you can now generate reports to view analytics and usage statistics for ALL of your affiliate coupons, based on a specific date range, and other specific criteria you select.
Here’s a preview of the report generation form:

Once you’ve selected your custom filters and date range, click “Generate Report” and a custom report will be displayed, showing the combined total usage, sales, commission and discounts, for ALL coupons, within this date range.
This will then be followed by a list of each individual coupon, and a usage summary for each coupon that meets the criteria required selected.
Here’s an example:

You can also download the results to a CSV file, search the list of coupons, and order then by a certain row. By default they are ordered by total usage.
The free version of Coupon Affiliates can also generate admin reports, but can only generate reports for the past 2 weeks, and do not include date comparison features. Export to CSV is also disabled in the free version.
Custom “New Account” Registration Email
(PRO) Added a new custom email in “notifications” settings, to set your own custom new account registration email message.

Edit Account Details Section
(PRO) Added an option to display “Account Details” in the “settings” section of the affiliate dashboard. This shows the WooCommerce edit profile fields and password change.

Coupon History Start Date
(PRO) Added “Coupon History Start Date” option in individual coupons settings. This allows you to set a custom date which coupon data should start tracking from. Any sales history before this date will be ignored on the coupon affiliate dashboard.

Other Updates
- Added a new option in “general settings” to change the permission required for plugin admin capabilities between administrator and shop manager.
- (PRO)Added option to allow “administrator” users to fill out the affiliate registration form as a new user (whilst logged in).
- (PRO) Added “password” field to affiliate registration form for logged out users, to set their custom password.
Other Fixes
- (PRO) Fixed an issue with the “[couponaffiliates-register]” shortcode giving JSON error when update page.
- Fixed a debug error showing on first ever click on a referral URL.
- Fixed an “undefined method” error for some websites with outdated WooCommerce version.
- Fix: Fixed PHP 7.4 error showing “Trying to access array offset” on fresh installs.

Elliot Sowersby is a WordPress developer from Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He is the founder and lead developer of Coupon Affiliates and RelyWP.
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