Coupon Affiliates – Version 4.7.0 – Lifetime Commission
Version 4.7.0 of Coupon Affiliates for WooCommerce is now available.
This update includes brand new “lifetime commission” functionality, along with a few other small tweaks and fixes.
Lifetime Commission
(PRO) A new option has been added under “Pro Settings” to enable “Lifetime Commission” functionality for your affiliates.
With lifetime commission enabled, once someone uses the affiliates coupon code, that customer will be linked to the affiliate forever, and ALL future purchases from that customer and will count as a referral, even if they don’t re-use the coupon code.
Even if the coupon code isn’t used, the commission and sales will still be tracked on the coupons affiliate dashboard. All future orders by that customer, even with different coupon codes, will only apply to the original coupon affiliate.
You have the option to set lifetime commission globally for all affiliate coupons, or set it individually on a per-coupon basis.
Finally, there is the option to set an expiry time (days). If you decide to set this, the “lifetime commission” will only apply for the set amount of days after the customers order, after which the affiliate user and customer will be unlinked. If the customer re-uses the same coupon code, the expiry date will refresh.
Here’s a preview of the settings:

Other Tweaks
- Made some UX improvements to the plugin settings page, with some new sub headers, and some fields now show or hide based on other settings.
- Added a “{email}” placeholder for some of the email notifications to include the affiliates email address.
- Styling tweaks to “pro addons” section in plugin settings.
- Hidden the “Affiliate User” label in the “Affiliate Info” tooltip in orders list, if there is no user assigned.
- Tweak to payouts cron job to prevent possible duplicates in-case daily cron somehow runs twice in same day.
- Moved “Change Payment Method Label” setting to under Payouts settings tab.
Other Fixes
- Fixed a few layout issues for the date filters on affiliate dashboard, on some websites.
- Fixed affiliate registration form sometimes still showing even if disabled.
- Fixed a ‘user_login’ non-object debug notice on orders list in free version.
- Fixed issue with getting started auto generate affiliate dashboard page – page not being set in the settings.
- Fixed issue with the “wcusage_field_color_table” being empty by default.
- Fix payment column showing in payouts “pending payments” section even when “Payment Details” is disabled.
- Fixed occasional checkout issue.
- Edited some function names.

Elliot Sowersby is a WordPress developer from Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He is the founder and lead developer of Coupon Affiliates and RelyWP.
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