Coupon Affiliates – Version 4.7.3 – Performance Updates & More
Version 4.7.3 of Coupon Affiliates for WooCommerce is now available.
This update includes quite a few small updates, changes and tweaks, with the main update being some fairly significant performance improvements on the affiliate dashboard, especially for larger websites.
Let’s take a look at everything included in this update…
Performance Improvements
This update comes with 2 separate changes that will make loading speed for the affiliate dashboard, and admin reports faster. Websites with lots a large amount of coupons and orders should see a more significant speed boost.
There are now 2 new options that have been added, which are both enabled by default:
- Save the calculated commission for orders as meta data.
- Save the “all time” stats for coupons as meta data.
You can toggle these off in “debug” settings if needed. Order refunds will trigger these values to be updated as normal.
With both these options enabled, instead of calculating the data every time the affiliate dashboard is loaded, it instead just loads the latest value from the meta data, which is updated every time there is a new order, refund, or an order status changes.
Free Version: Assign Users to Coupons
The free version of Coupon Affiliates now includes the feature to assign users to coupons (previously a PRO feature)!
Learn more about this here:
New “Coupon Affiliate” User Role
A new custom user role “Coupon Affiliate” has been added to the plugin, with an option to auto assign users to this role on new affiliate registrations in the “registration” settings.
Custom Form Submission Message
A new field has been added in the “registration” settings to customise the message displayed after submitting the registration form.
Other Small Updates
- Update so that when affiliate registration form is filled out, if there is a validation error (such as username exists), the fields will no longer be emptied and existing values are saved in the form.
- Added a check to see if email already exists on affiliate registration form, and displays a validation error/message if it does already exist.
- Added an option under “debug” to change the user dropdown list when editing coupons to only show users with the custom “Coupon Affiliate” user role, instead of all users.
Other Small Tweaks
- Made a few small css changes to the dashboard to improve/unify spacing on some themes. Also added a little extra spacing between start/end date filter fields.
- Slightly improved the “get started” tutorial message shown on initial installation.
- Added a sidebar to settings page with some help and upgrade links.
- Disabled the “affiliate dashboard URLs” in coupons list (shows message instead), if dashboard page has not been created / assigned in settings.
- Moved the percentage change stat on smaller screens (below the number instead of to the right).
Other Small Fixes
- Fixed issue with admin reports in free version where the “Only show coupons with sales…” filter wasn’t working properly.
- Fixed login redirect on affiliate dashboard page for some sites.
- Fixed the registrations link in admin emails when there is a new affiliate registration.
- Fixed issue with “recent orders” list, where “refunded” orders where still being counted in the code, and therefore limiting the amount of orders displayed by default.
- Fixed an issue with refunds, when order fully refunded, and “fixed order commission” is set.
- Fixed commission reset issue with lifetime referral orders status change from completed back to something else.

Elliot Sowersby is a WordPress developer from Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He is the founder and lead developer of Coupon Affiliates and RelyWP.
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