Coupon Affiliates 5.12.0 – Cancellation Emails, and more Small Improvements
Version 5.12.0 of Coupon Affiliates is now available.
This is a fairly small update, with no significant changes. However, it does include several small new features and improvements for the plugin.
Let’s take a look at what’s included…
Cancellation Emails
An option has been added to enable a new “Referred Order Cancelled” email notification.
This is sent to the affiliate when an order is cancelled, refunded, or failed.
This can be enabled and customised in the “Emails” settings tab.

Referral Links on Admin Pages
We’ve added a small change to the affiliate users, and affiliate coupons pages, to make it easier for admins to quickly get the referral URL for a specific coupon or affiliate, instead of having to go to the affiliate dashboard.
- On the “Coupon Affiliate Users” admin page, the tooltip shown when hovering over the coupon code, will now show the default referral link for the affilaite coupon, along with a copy button.

- On the “Coupons” admin page, there is now a new “Default Referral Link” column, which shows the default referral link for the coupon, along with a copy button.

Dashboard Tabs: Design Customisation
Some new options have been added to customise the affiliate dashboard tabs styling in the “Design” settings tab.
There is now a new “full width” style available, along with the option to select a custom border radius and padding.

These options allow you to create a more visually pleasing an modern dashboard tabs layout/design to better match your website styling.

“Preferred Coupon Code” Label
An option has been added to set a custom “Preferred Coupon Code” field label on the affiliate registration form.
Other Tweaks and Improvements
- You can now easily include the default referral link in the “Affiliate Application Accepted” email by using the {referralurl}
- Hidden the “MLA” dashboard link on the WordPress users page if MLA is set to invite only, and the user does not have access.
- If MLA Dashboard is set to “Invite Only”, admins can now still view view the MLA Dashboard for any user if they themselves are not approved.
- Added the “pointer” cursor style to the export buttons on the affiliate dashboard.
- Moved the “Affiliate” link on the “My Account” page to before the logout link.
- A few small improvements to the plugins “Coupons” admin page.
- Fixed a PHP warning when MLA is enabled but the MLA dashboard page has not been selected in the settings.
- Fixed the “Unpaid Commission” and “Pending Payouts” fields when editing a coupon, to allow you to enter decimal values.
- The store credit balance amount shown on the affiliate dashboard “payouts settings” is now formatted to show as a currency value.
- Dev: Added a filter to programmatically change the page ID for the affiliate dashboard option, and MLA dashboard option.
- Other: Added translations for “Italian”.
- Other: Tested with WordPress 6.4.2
- Other: Updated to Freemius SDK 2.6.1

Elliot Sowersby is a WordPress developer from Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He is the founder and lead developer of Coupon Affiliates and RelyWP.
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