Coupon Affiliates – Version 4.16.0 – Direct Link Tracking
Version 4.16.0 of Coupon Affiliates for WooCommerce is now available!
Direct Link Tracking
Allow your affiliates to link their domain name to their coupon. Once approved, they can link directly to your website, from their website, without having to use a referral link.
This will still track the referral, and apply the coupon code automatically, just like a referral link.
Affiliates can even assign a campaign to their domain, to keep track of the exact visits and conversions from the domain.
For your affiliates to get started adding their domains, they simply need to go to the “Referral URLs” tab on their affiliate dashboard and scroll down to the “Direct Link Tracking” section. They can then enter their domain, select a campaign, and submit it for approval.

A notification will then be sent to your admin email address to alert you of a new domain request. You can then visit the admin page to approve or decline this domain.

When you approve the domain, your affiliate will be notified via email, and can see their approved domains in the affiliate dashboard “Direct Link Tracking” section.

Once their domain is approved, they can start linking to your website from their website, without needing to use a referral URL!
Getting Started
To get started, simply enable the “Direct Link Tracking” module in the “Modules” section of the plugin settings page, then click link to go to the settings for this module (under the “Referral URLs” tab).
Important: Although in most cases direct link tracking should work fine for most users, there are certain web browsers that may have some restrictions when it comes to tracking the visits from them. Learn more.
Other Changes
- Fix: Applied a fix to solve rare issue where referral URLs were not saving cookies or auto-applying the coupon code (conflict with some themes).
- Other: Tested and compatible with WordPress 5.9
- Dev: Small fixes/tweaks for the new API routes and hooks added in 4.15.2

Elliot Sowersby is a WordPress developer from Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He is the founder and lead developer of Coupon Affiliates and RelyWP.
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