Coupon Affiliates – Version 4.7.7 – Registration Tweaks, Order Status Column, and Small Fixes
Version 4.7.7 of Coupon Affiliates for WooCommerce is now available.
This update includes a few new options for the affiliate registration, a new optional order status column, and some other small updates and fixes.
Affiliate Registration Tweaks
- Added a new option in “registration” settings to show affiliate registration form to logged in users on the affiliate dashboard page, if they are not already assigned to any coupons.
- Added a new option in “registration” settings to select whether or not to remove the “pending” and/or “subscriber” affiliate role from user when their affiliate application is accepted.
Order Status Column
- Added new option in “general” settings to display the order “status” in the orders list on the affiliate dashboard.

Admin Delete Buttons for Payouts and Registrations
- Added a new button under “actions” to delete rows/table entries from the admin “payouts” and “registrations” sections.

Other Fixes
- Fixed issue with not being able to remove assigned coupon code from landing page.
- Fixed occasional “string offset” debug warning showing on some sites, for coupons with no orders.
- Fixed issue with plugin conflicting with some other “coupon” related plugins such as “Extended Coupon Features”, by stopping some other custom coupon settings tabs from displaying.
- Fixed issue for sites that have a very large amount of users, where the edit/add coupon page would load very slow/timeout.

Elliot Sowersby is a WordPress developer from Yorkshire, United Kingdom. He is the founder and lead developer of Coupon Affiliates and RelyWP.
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