Category: Blog Post

Why your affiliate program is not making money (+ how to fix it)

Why your affiliate program is not making money (+ how to fix it)

Affiliate marketing works. Recent studies show that: Those are impressive numbers! But that’s not to say that every business’ affiliate program is profitable. If you run an online business (especially a small or mid-sized one) and have yet to see positive results from your affiliate program, this in-depth guide is for you. Here, we’ll cover: But first, […]

Keeping Your WordPress Affiliate Site Secure

Keeping Your WordPress Affiliate Site Secure WordPress Affiliate Security

WordPress affiliate sites are prime targets for hackers who are looking to spread malware, create a botnet, or maliciously generate a passive income over time. But there are certain things that you can do in order to drastically reduce your chances of becoming a target of such a malicious attack. So let’s delve into these […]

How To Make Effective Creatives for Affiliates

How To Make Effective Creatives for Affiliates

As an eCommerce business owner, your affiliate marketing program is probably one of your business’s best strategic marketing techniques. Therefore, you must invest heavily in your affiliates, which includes giving them access to content and materials that will make it easy for them to promote your products and services.  Here’s how to make great affiliate […]

How to automate your WooCommerce affiliate program

How to automate your WooCommerce affiliate program

If you are looking to take your affiliate program to the next level, automating it is the way to go. By automating your affiliate program, you will be able to save time whilst still offering your affiliates the tools they need to succeed. In this article, we will show you how to fully automate your […]

The Impact of AI in Affiliate Marketing

The Impact of AI in Affiliate Marketing

It’s 2024, and although the elusive ‘cognitive understanding’ artificial intelligence (AI) engines are still a pipe dream, we’ve made a ton of advances in more practical fields. One thing that’s of particular interest to us is the impact of AI in affiliate marketing, and how that field of study has changed the way we run […]

How to recruit affiliates: 10 actionable strategies to recruit top-notch affiliates

How to recruit affiliates: 10 actionable strategies to recruit top-notch affiliates

Want to recruit affiliates to your program? Affiliates are the life force of every affiliate program — no program would exist without them. However, recruiting top-notch affiliates can be daunting if you’re a small business or your affiliate program isn’t well-known. In this guide, we’ll share 10 actionable strategies you can implement to help you […]

9 Steps to improving your WooCommerce affiliate program

9 Steps to improving your WooCommerce affiliate program

Are you looking for ways to enhance your WooCommerce affiliate program and drive more sales this year? Look no further! In this post, we outline nine actionable steps you can take to improve your affiliate program and increase your revenue. Implementing these strategies will help you engage more affiliates and boost your business. So, get […]

7 Reasons To Create A Coupon Affiliate Marketing Strategy

7 Reasons To Create A Coupon Affiliate Marketing Strategy

In 2024, most of us are trying to find ways to save on household bills and consumer goods. And it’s one of the reasons why coupon affiliate marketing is such a popular marketing tool.  Estimates suggest over 31 billion e-coupons were redeemed in 2019. And the use of coupons is only increasing. But what makes […]

Is affiliate marketing worth it in 2024? The verdict

Is affiliate marketing worth it in 2024? The verdict

There’s been a ton of hype around affiliate marketing over the years. If you’re thinking about starting or growing an affiliate program for your online business, you’re probably a little skeptical about whether affiliate marketing still works today and if it’s the right option for your business. You may be thinking: Is affiliate marketing worth it? […]

Coupon Affiliates: 2023 Roundup

Coupon Affiliates: 2023 Roundup

2023 has been an eventful year for Coupon Affiliates, with continuous enhancements and updates that have significantly improved the plugins functionality and user experience. Here’s a recap of the key updates we have released this year! Version 5.5.0: Performance Improvements & URL Tracking We integrated support for WooCommerce’s new “High-Performance Order Storage” feature, which will […]